1.2.1. Речи, статьи, памфлеты, заявления политических деятелей

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1. Gladston W. Е. The Political Speeches in Scotland. Vol. II.

L.-Edinburgh, 1881.

2. Goschen G. I. Essays and Adresses. L., 1905.

3. Lord Salisbury on politics. A Selecter from his articles in the Quaterly Review, 1860–1883 / Ed. by P. Smith. Cambridge, 1972.

4. Speeches of the marquis of Salisbury / Ed. by H.W. Lucy. L., 1885.

5. Speeches of Lord Randolph Churchill, 1880–1888 / Ed. by

L. J. Jennings. Vol. 2. L., 1889.

6. The Radical Platform: Speeches by the Rigth Hon. J. Chamberlain. MP, Hull, Warrington, Glasgow, Autumn 1885. Edindurg, 1885.