1.2.3. Дневники, переписка, мемуары

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1. Письма Энгельса за 1883–1886 годы // К. Маркс, Ф. Энгельс. Соч. 2-е изд. Т. 36. М., 1964.

2. Arch /. The story of his life told by himself. L., 1898.

3. Chamberlain J. A Political Memoir, 1880–1892. L., 1953.

4. The Diaries of John Bright / Ed. by Walling R. A. J. L., 1930.

5. Fletcher J. S. Memoirs of a spectator. L., 1912.

6. Gladstone H. After thirty years. L., 2003.

7. Gladstone-Gordon Correstondence, 1851–1896. Selections from the Private Correstondence of a British Prime Minister and a Colonial Governor / P. Knaplund. Philadelphia. 1961.

8. Goshen G. I. Lord Goshen to His Friends. L., 1947.

9. Hirst F. W. Early Life & letters or Joph Morley. Vol. II. L., 1927.

10. Howell G. Minute book. L. 1869.

11. Morley J. The Life of William Ewart Gladstone. L., N. Y. 1905. Vol. 1.

12. Morley J. Recollections. Vols. 1–2. L., 1924.

13. The Letters of Queen Victoria / Ed. by G. E. Bucle. 2-nd ser. Vol. 3. L., 1928.

14. Political Correspondence of Mr. Gladstone and Lord Granville, 1876–1886. / Ed. by A. Ramm Vol. II. L., 1962.

15. A Political memoir 1880–1892 by J. Chamberlain / Ed. by С. H. D. Howard. L., 1953.

16. Public Speech and the Culture of Public Life in the Age of Gladstone / Ed. by. Meicel J. S. N. Y., 2001.

17. The Queen and Mr. Gladstone / Ed. by Ph. Guedalla. N. Y., 1934.

18. Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals / Ed. by C. Hibbirt. L., 1985.