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5. McKenna, R. 1995 “Real – Time Marketing” Harvard Business Review 73(4): 87 – 95.

6. Scholtes, P. R. 1996 “The Team Handbook” 2d ed. Madison, Wis.: Joiner Associates.

7. University of Michigan Business School and American Society for Quality 1998 “American Customer Satisfaction Index: 1994 – 1998” Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

8. Thompson, A. T. and A. J. Strickland 1995 “Crafting and Implementing Strategy” Boston: Irwin.

9. Hoch, D. J., ?. R. Roeding, G. Purkert, and K. S. Lindner 2000 “The Secrets of Software Success” Boston, Harvard Business School Press.

10. Norman, D. A. 1998 “The Invisible Computer” Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press.

11. Shillito, M. L. 1994 “Advanced QFD” New York: John Wiley & Sons.

12. Evans, R. J. and M. W. Lindsay 1999 “The Management and Control of Quality” St. Paul, Minn.: South – Wesiern College Publishing.

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