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1. Harrison, J. S. and C. St. John 1998 “Strategic Management of Organizations and Stakeholders” 2d ed. Cincinnati: South – Western College Publishing.

2. Brenner, M. S. 1994 “Practical R&D Project Prioritization” Research Technology management 37(5): 38 – 42.

3. Buss, M. D. J. 1983 “How to Rank Computer Project” Harvard Business Review 1(71): 145.

4. Cooper, R. G., S. J. Edgett, and E. J. Kleinshmidt 1998 “Best Practices for Managing R&D Portfolios: Lessons from the leaders – Part II” Research Technology Management 41(4): 20 – 33.

5. Cooper, R. G., S. J. Edgett, and E. J. Kleinshmidt 1997 “Portfolio Management in New Product Development: Lessons from the leaders – Part I” Research Technology Management 41(4): 20 – 33.

6. Cooper, R. G., S. J. Edgett, and E. J. Kleinshmidt 1997 “Portfolio Management in New Product Development: Lessons from the leaders – Part II” Research Technology Management 40(6): 43 – 52.

7. Archer, N. P. and F. Ghazemzaden 1999 “An Integrated Framework for project Portfolio Selection” International Journal of Project Management 17(4): 207 – 216.

8. Marheson, D., J. E. Matheson and M. M. Menke 1995 “Making Excellent R&D Decisions” Research Technology Management 37(6) 21 – 24.

9. Marheson, D., J. E. Matheson and M. M. Menke 1994 “Using Decision Quality Principles to Balansce Your R&D Portfolio” Research Technology Management 37(3) 38 – 43.

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