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7. Theodore Leviitt, The Marketing Mode, New York, McGraw Hill, 1969. — С.46

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11. The Power оf Trade Shows: The Simmons Market Bureau Research Study, 1992 — www.ceir.org

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13. Там же, www.ceir.org

14. President McKinley, Favors Reciprocity, The New York Times, September 6, 1901

15. The Power of Trade Shows: The Simmons Market Bureau Research Study, 1992 — www.ceir.org

16. Петер Невен. Успешное участие в выставках в Германии./Пер. с нем. Эссен: AUMA, 1997. — С.18

17. The Power of Trade Shows: The Simmons Market Bureau Research Study, 1992 — www.ceir.org

18. Morrow, Sandra Lynn, The Art of the Show, Second Edition, IAEM Foundation, Dallas, Texas, 2001. — P.53

19. The Power of Trade Shows: Likes and Dislikes of Trade Shows. Research Summary PT8. Center for Exhibition Industry Research, 1994 — www.ceir.org

20. Morrow S.L., The Art of the Show, Second Edition, IAEM Foundation, Dallas, Texas, 2001. — P.57

21. The Power of Trade Shows: The Simmons Market Bureau Research Study, 1992 — www.ceir.org

22. Trade Show Success Indicators: Audience Quality 1984–1989. Research Summary AC22., Center for Exhibition Industry Research, 1991 — www.ceir.org

23. Там же, www.ceir.org

24. Morrow S.L., The Art of the Show, Second Edition. IAEM Foundation, Dallas, Texas, 2001. — Р.55