Глава 60

Глава 60

1. Verne G. Kopytoff, “Yahoo Chief Executive Faces Unhappy Shareholders”, The New York Times, “Bits”, June 23, 2011.

2. Yahoo! 2011 Annual Shareholders Meeting, June 23, 2011, www.shareholder.com/visitors/event/build2/mediapresentation.cfm?companyid=YHOO&mediaid=48223&mediauserid= 5359581&TID=1304991612:c49e3db7614b66ae3bbccccd45b4d8a0&popupcheck= 0&shexp=201106280115&shkey=56b7dac451e961508a48182c9007d993&player=1.

3. The Wall Street Journal, “Heard on the Street: Overheard”, June 24, 2011.

4. Verne G. Kopytoff, “Yahoo Chief Executive Faces Unhappy Shareholders”, The New York Times, “Bits”, June 23, 2011.

5. Don Reisinger, “Yahoo Annual Meeting Marked By What Wasn’t Said”, CNET.com, June 23, 2011.

6. David Streitfield, “Blunt E-mail Raises Issues Over Firing at Yahoo”, The New York Times, September 7, 2011.

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