Глава 14

Глава 14

1. The Churchill Centre and Museum at the Churchill War Rooms, London, “Quotes FAQ”, www.winstonchurchill.org/learn/speeches/quotations/quotes-faq. The full speech is contained in The Unrelenting Struggle (London: Cassell and Boston: Little Brown, 1942) and is found on pages 2747–6 of the English edition. It may also be found in The Complete Speeches of Winston S. Churchill, edited by Robert Rhodes James (New York: Bowker and London: Chelsea House, 1974).

2. Mardy Grothe, Neverisms: A Quotation Lover’s Guide to Things You Should Never Do, Never Say, or Never Forget (Collins Reference, 2011).

3. Erin McKean, “How’s ‘Never’ for You?” Boston.com, June 12, 2011.

4. Dave Sterry and Arielle Eckstut, eds., Satchel Sez: The Wit, Wisdom, and World of LeRoy “Satchel” Paige (Three River Press, 2001).

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